2025 Pricing
Effective January 1, 2025
CA-2 (2" Topsize Roadpack) | $18.00 |
CA-3, 2" Oversize | $18.75 |
CA-6 (Roadpack) | $17.50 |
CA-6 Low P.I. | $18.50 |
8s (Commercial Roadpack) | $16.00 |
3/4", CA-7, CA-11 | $19.50 |
CM-13 (5//8") | $19.50 |
CA-16, CM-16 (3/8" Blotter, Chips) | $18.90 |
RR-1 Bedding Stone, 3 Inch | $19.25 |
A-3 Rip-Rap | $27.00 |
A-4 Rip-Rap | $35.00 | A-5 Rip Rap | $38.00 |
4" to 6" (Armor Stone) | $19.75 |
Ag Lime | $5.00 |
Flume, Screenings, Trench Backfill | $12.00 |
Mason Sand | $20.00 |
Pit Rock | $20.00 |
Fill Dirt | $9.00 |
Top Soil | $18.50 |
1 1/2" Decorative Gravel | $44.00 |
Oversize Decorative Gravel | $44.00 |
Asphalt Cold Mix | $125.00 |
Landscaping Boulders | $100.00 per ton ($50.00 Minimum) |
Gross amount due within 30 days. All rock sales are subject to Illinois Sales Tax where applicable. All prices are F.O.B. quarry, Marshall, IL. All material is subject to availability and will not be held. Prices are subject to change without notice.